
Select Department

Senior Staff

Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students
Assistant Dean for Student Engagement and Professional Development
Executive Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Associate Dean for Student Wellness
Assistant Dean for Community and Inclusion
Executive Director of the Career Center
David Chao
Director of Information Technology
Director of Marketing and Communications
Executive Director Counseling Center
Executive Director of Student Health Services
Director of Residence Life, Residence Life Central Staff
Director of Administration
Inaugural Director of Student Involvement
Executive Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Director of New Student Programs
Jeremy Lindner
Director of Student Unions

Campus Recreation

Woman in a black top with black glasses. Alexis Belvin
Scheduling & Events Coordinator
Bush Bushoki
Office Manager
Branden Faulkner
Facilities Coordinator
Man in navy blue suite with facial hair in front of a gray background. AJ Franco
Competitive & Recreational Program Coordinator
Abby Harvey
Assistant Director, Competitive & Recreational Programs
Shawn Haupt
Aquatic Coordinator
Headshot of smiling woman with long black braided hair wearing a black blazer. Tamika Jones
Assisstant Director, Facilities and Operations
Jada Khalil
Fitness & Wellness Coordinator
Headshot of smiling man in a gray blazer and yellow and blue striped tie. Cal McCarthy
Facilities Operations Coordinator
Blonde woman smiling in a floral sleeveless top in front of a grey background. Molly McCracken
Assistant Director, Fitness and Wellness Programs
Man in blue suit with white shirt and blue tie. Steven McCune
Assistant Director, Facilities and Risk Management
Headshot of smiling woman with a wavy brunette bob haircut in a tan cardigan and blue shirt. Jennifer O'Neil
Program Assistant
Headshot of a smiling man with slicked back hair and wearing a charcoal sport coat over a white button-down shirt. Brandyn Ott
Associate Director, Wellness and Recreation Programs
Headshot of smiling man in a gray-blue quarter zip sweater and button down shirt. Sean Scott
Competitive & Recreational Program Coordinator
A woman with dark hair smiling in a black polo shirt in front of a grey background. Hayley Silvers
Fitness & Wellness Coordinator
Headshot of a smiling woman with cropped shoulder-length light brown hair. Sarah Sleva
Assistant Director, Outdoor and Adventure Pursuits
Woman in blue blouse and grey blazer with long dark hair. Dorothy Stromdahl
Interim Executive Director of Campus Recreation
Headshot of a young man in a navy shirt, yellow tie, and gray blazer. Jordan Ziglar
Member Services Coordinator

Care & Resource Support

Associate Director of Care and Resource Support
Care Manager
Care Advocate
Assistant Director, Basic Needs
Care Advocate

Career Center

Executive Director of the Career Center
A Black woman with long dark hair smiling in a grey top with a black sweater. Doyin Awofrianye
Student and Alumni Programs Coordinator
Senior Career Consultant for the College of General Studies & Non-Traditional Students
Career Consultant for Pre-Law & Social Sciences
Career Consultant for Engineering and Science
Senior Career Consultant for Undecided Students
Employment Development Specialist
Senior Front Desk Receptionist
Career Consultant for SCI, Math & Statistics
Assistant Director for Operations
A white woman with long brown hair smiling in a white top. Samantha Louis
Graduate Student Assistant
Assistant Director for Employer Relations
A white woman with short curly hair smiling wearing glasses and a white blouse. Kaitlin Anne Miller
Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director
Assistant Director of Experiential Learning
Senior Employment Development Specialist
Career Consultant for Engineering and Science
A white woman with short blonde hair smiling in a green blazer. Shirley Stuckert
Employer Relations Coordinator
Associate Director of Career Center
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
Senior Career Consultant for Liberal Arts, Pre-Business, and Social Work
Employment Development Specialist

Counseling Center

Executive Director Counseling Center
Staff Clinician
Hopeton Bailey
Staff Clinician
Staff Clinician
Staff Clinician
Brittany Chalmers
Administrative Assistant
Staff Clinician
Embedded Clinician: Residence Halls
Embedded Clinician: Residence Halls
MeLoni Griffin
Post-Master's Fellow
Michael Hakala
Coordinator: Clinical Services
Jason Horner
HEART Clinician
Embedded Clinician: School of Medicine
Headshot of a smiling young person with pulled-back dark hair in a butterfly-printed polo shirt. Peyton Kondis
Coordinator: Culturally Responsive Care
Coordinator: Training Programs
Assistant Director: Strategic Programs
Yuri Neira
Assistant to the Executive Director
Khai Nelson
Post-Master's Fellow
Headshot of a smiling bearded man in a navy polo shirt. Marcus O'Leary
Embedded Clinician: Residence Halls
Embedded Clinician: Office of Inclusion and Belonging & Office of International Services
Kevan Schneider
Embedded Clinician: School of Nursing
Assistant Director: Clinical Services
Associate Director: Outreach Programs & Services
Assistant Director: Culturally Responsive Care
Embedded Clinician: School of Dental Medicine
Coordinator: Strategic Programs
Administrative Assistant
Serena Valentino
Post-Master's Fellow
Staff Clinician
Associate Director: Training Programs
Joanna Wang
Post-Master's Fellow
Embedded Clinician: Residence Halls
Assistant Director: Training Programs
Associate Director: Clinical Services

Fraternity & Sorority Life

Assistant Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life, National Pan-Hellenic Council Advisor
Program Coordinator for Community Development, Collegiate Panhellenic Association Advisor
Program Coordinator for Community Health and Safety, Interfraternity Council Advisor
Associate Director for Fraternity and Sorority Life

Inclusion & Belonging

Maggie Calvert
LGBTQIA+ Coordinator
Assistant Director, International Programs
Embedded Clinician: Office of Inclusion and Belonging & Office of International Services

Information Technology

David Chao
Director of Information Technology
Matt Lee
Endpoint Technician
Headshot of a laughing man in a maroon Pitt-branded collared shirt. Bob Stofesky
Associate Director of IT

Marketing & Communications

Director of Marketing and Communications
Headshot of a smiling woman in a ribbed teal top with light brown hair. Samantha Carlstrom
Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications
Rachel Christie
Marketing & Communications Coordinator
Man in black sweater with white collar sitting in front of gray backdrop. Brayon Higgins-Roberts
Graphic Designer
Jack Karson Jack Karson
Creative Producer
Stetson Mead
Marketing Manager
Sarina Moore Sarina Moore
Executive Communications Specialist
Marketing and Communications Coordinator

New Student Programs

Director of New Student Programs
Headshot of smiling man in an oatmeal-colored shirt and gray blazer. Glen Edward
Program Coordinator
Angel Sarmiento
Graduate Student Assistant
Headshot of a smiling woman with dark blonde hair in a blue Pitt-branded polo shirt. Sutton Stacey-Hardman
Assistant Director of New Student Programs
Headshot of a smiling man with short, wavy blonde hair and a mustache, wearing a University of Pittsburgh polo shirt. Matthew Whaley
Graduate Student Assistant

Off-Campus Student Services

Headshot of a smiling strawberry blonde woman in a black and white short sleeved shirt. Anna MacKinnon
Associate Director of Off-Campus Experience
Trisha Margiotti
Property Manager Liaison

Office of the Vice Provost & Dean of Students

Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students
Assistant Dean for Student Engagement and Professional Development
Executive Associate Dean of Student Affairs
Associate Dean for Student Wellness
Assistant Dean for Community and Inclusion
Director of Administration
Executive Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Nora Fraser
Office Manager
Kathleen Lamansky
Senior Executive Assistant to the Vice Provost
Headshot of a smiling woman with short silver hair in a navy blue blazer. Erin Strong
Special Events Coordinator
Headshot of a smiling woman in a blue shirt with curly brown hair and glasses. Karen Sykes
Executive Assistant to the Associate Vice Provost and Dean of Students

Outside the Classroom Curriculum

Headshot of a woman with curled strawberry blonde hair in a light-colored floral button down shirt and pearl hair clip. Mallory Logue
Program Coordinator, Outside The Classroom Curriculum

Parent & Family Resources

Headshot of smiling woman with shoulder-length curly brown hair in a black boat-neck blouse. Summer Rothrock
Associate Director of Parent and Family Resources


Louise Finnstrom
Susanna Hamilton
Student Sustainability Engagement Manager
Headshot of a smiling brunette woman in a hot pink shirt and bright orange cardigan. Natalie Jellison
Outreach Coordinator
Woman with short dark hair in a dark floral top. Meggan Lloyd
Director, PittServes
Headshot of smiling strawberry blonde bespectacled young woman in a dark navy plaid shirt. Sydney O'Hara
Assistant Director, PittServes
Person with short dark hair and glasses in a blue floral button down shirt. Lorant Peeler
Graduate Assistant
Headshot of a smiling woman in clear plastic glasses, a gold necklace, and a gray sweater. Chelsea Singleton
Administrative Coordinator
Alycia Washington
Jumpstart Site Manager

Residence Life

Director of Residence Life, Residence Life Central Staff
Headshot of a smiling blonde man in a bright green polo shirt. Josh Campbell
Resident Director, Tower B Blue
Headshot of smiling woman in a gray blouse with short brown hair. Kayla Dunn
Associate Director, Staff Services, Residence Life Central Staff
Embedded Clinician: Residence Halls
Embedded Clinician: Residence Halls
Headshot of a smiling blonde person in glasses and a blue shirt. Caedyn Krahling
Resident Director, Forbes Hall, Residence Directors
Foster Krupp
Resident Director, Tower C, Residence Directors
Headshot of a blonde woman in a white satin shirt and navy blue cardigan. Viktoria Kuzmina
Resident Director, Irvis Hall, Residence Directors
Headshot of a smiling woman with brown hair in a gray shirt. Hayley Landers
Resident Director, Tower A, Residence Directors
Raechel Mabie
Resident Director, Holland Hall, Residence Directors
Headshot of a smiling woman with dark blonde hair in glasses and a colorful shirt. Stephanie Minnich
Administrative Assistant to the Director, Residence Life Central Staff
Shemsa Ndahiro Iribagiza
Resident Director, Tower B Gold, Residence Directors
Heloisa Nessralla
Resident Director, Panther Hall, Residence Directors
Taylor Niggel
Assistant Resident Director, Tower A
Headshot of a smiling bearded man in a navy polo shirt. Marcus O'Leary
Embedded Clinician: Residence Halls
Headshot of smiling blonde woman in a black sleeveless blouse. Katie Peters
Administrative Assistant, Staff Services, Residence Life Central Staff
Headshot of a smiling man with short red hair, half-rimmed glasses, and a charcoal-colored suit. Jonathan Petesch
Resident Director, Nordenberg Hall, Residence Directors
Headshot of smiling woman with long honey-blonde hair in a short-sleeved black shirt. Carly Ramer
Administrative Assistant, Programming, Residence Life Central Staff
Headshot of a man with swooping brown hair in a gray cardigan and maroon shirt. Jacob Seelbach
Area Coordinator, Upper West Side, Residence Life Central Staff
Zach Shuaibu
Resident Director, Lothrop Hall, Residence Directors
Headshot of smiling man in navy blue blazer and pale gold tie. Andrew Skelly
Area Coordinator, Apartment-Style Housing, Residence Life Central Staff
Headshot of a smiling woman with long straight brown hair in a black shirt. Lindsey Smith
Area Coordinator, The Quad, The Bridge on Forbes, Holland Hall, and Nordenberg Hall, Residence Directors
Micalee Sullivan
Assistant Director, Academic Engagement
Jervel Tobierre
Resident Director, The Bridge on Forbes, Residence Directors
Headshot of a smiling blonde woman in glasses and a white Pitt-branded shirt. Sara Wiberg
Area Coordinator, Litchfield Towers, Residence Directors
Embedded Clinician: Residence Halls

Detachment 730

Detachment 730 Commander
Recruiting and Education Officer
Administrative Management
Recruiting and Education Officer

Three Rivers Battalion

Military Science Instructor
Assistant Professor of Military Science for Delta Company
CPT Jacob Connell
Assistant Professor of Military Science
Mr. John Gildernew
Military Science Instructor
SSG Jerry Henley
Military Science Instructor and PA Army National Guard Recruiter
Mrs. Sarah Kunz
Human Resources Assistant
Assistant Professor of Military Science for Bravo Company
Professor of Military Science
Assistant Professor of Military Science for Alpha Company
Assistant Professor of Military Science for Charlie Company
Mr. Gust Pagonis
Military Science Instructor
A man smiling in a grey suit with glasses smiling in front of a grey background. Mr. Bill Perez
Retention Operations Officer
Mr. John Schlich
Human Resources Assistant
Senior Military Science Instructor
Assistant Professor of Military Science
Assistant Professor of Military Science
Military Science Instructor
University of Pittsburgh Program Coordinator

Student Conduct

Headshot of a smiling man in a light blue Pitt polo shirt. Jamey Mentzer
Associate Director of Student Conduct
Woman with long dark curly hair with glasses smiling in a white and blue striped shirt under a navy blazer. Calli Palmer
Student Conduct Coordinator
Headshot of a woman in large hoop earrings, a blue hair scarf, gold and white striped sweater, and white tee shirt. Shatea Player
Administrative Assistant

Student Health Services

Executive Director of Student Health Services
Headshot of smiling blonde woman in a gray cold-shoulder top and light plum lipstick. Melissa Badamo
Brianna Berry
Headshot of a smiling woman with mousy brown hair in a blue Pitt-branded quarter-zip shirt. Shannon Bolibruck
Headshot of smiling blonde woman with bangs and rimless glasses in a white blouse. Stacie Byers
Headshot of smiling woman with short strawberry blonde hair, dark glasses, a blue blouse, and a lanyard. Kathleen Calabro
Erin Cheripka
Medical Assistant
Headshot of blonde woman in a dark turquoise blue shirt. Tracy Conte
Medical Assistant
Headshot of a woman with a long bob blonde haircut in a royal blue blouse with ruched shoulders. Michelle Covone
Pharmacy Manager
Dehanna Daughtry
Assistant to the Director of Student Health Services
Amanda Dubinsky
Tina Evans
Medical Assistant
Headshot of smiling woman with a light brown bob haircut and tropical blue-green blouse. Diana Gannon
Billing Specialist
Headshot of a smiling woman with short brown hair wearing pink lipstick and a black polka-dotted top. Marni Greenwald
Assistant Medical Director
Headshot of a smiling woman with brown hair in loose waves wearing a rich red and pink striped sweater. Kara Haupricht
Physician Assistant
Headshot of smiling man in light-colored plaid shirt. David Humphreys
Nurse Practitioner
Headshot of smiling woman with short brown hair in a heather blue Pitt Panther sports shirt. Roula Kyros
Headshot of a woman with short dark brown curly hair wearing a light gray wool coat and mauve shirt. Anne Levri
Headshot of smiling woman in a chambray dress with short curly brown hair. Meg Mayer Costa
Registered Dietitian
Headshot of a smiling woman with red-brown hair in loose waves wearing a red top and silver necklace. Marlene McEwen
Headshot of a smiling woman with short dark blonde hair in a teal and olive patterned sweater and tortoiseshell glasses. Megan McGuire
Headshot of a smiling blonde woman wearing an aqua-colored top. Bridget Perry
Lab Technician
Jill Pugh
Pharmacy Technician
Headshot of smiling man with short brown hair in a charcoal-gray button-down shirt. Patrick Pugliese
Staff Pharmacist
Headshot of a smiling woman with short pale blond hair in layers wearing a tan buttoned cardigan and black top. Brenda Scherling
Headshot of a smiling woman with mousy brown hair in a navy cardigan and black top. Megan Stahl
Health Educator
Headshot of a smiling blonde woman in a charcoal gray sweater. Hallie Stotsky
Coordinator, Stress Free Zone Advisor
Headshot of a smiling blonde woman in a pumpkin orange sweater. Kristin Sullivan
Headshot of smiling man in sage green polo. Ted Tsai
Headshot of smiling woman in a black short sleeve shirt with dark brown curly hair. Jennifer Waleski
Physician Assistant
Headshot of a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair in a black v-neck blouse and matching black cat-eye glasses. Elizabeth Wettick
Medical Director

Student Involvement

Inaugural Director of Student Involvement
Tara Adamczyk
Business Manager
Headshot of a woman with shoulder-length curly honey-blonde hair in a gray heather bolero and black top. Tina Bollman
Manager of Business Affairs
Woman with long brown hair in a black blouse smiling. Miya Bound
Program Coordinator, Advising & Growth
Paul Carroll
Radio Engineer
Kate Chodkowska Gebru
Account Specialist
Woman with long brown hair in a teal tshirt with a pendant necklace. Moureen Chowdhury
Administrative Manager, Programs & Production
Photo of a man smiling in front of a grey background. David Day
Associate Director, Student Organizations & Advising
Assistant Director of PITT ARTS
Headshot of a smiling brunette woman in a dark red blouse and necklace. Amber Greenbaum
Assistant Director, Special Events & Initiatives
Ellie Hardman
Account Specialist, Student Organization Resource Center
Blonde woman smiling in front of a gray background in a black top. Lauren Hedderman
Assistant Director, ExperiencePitt
Woman with brown hair in a brown sweater smiling. Gloria King
Office Manager, Student Org Resource Center
Headshot of a man in a charcoal and blue Pitt branded polo shirt. Dylan Kovac
Manager of Departmental Operations
Hallie Lauer
Editorial Advisor
Woman with short dark hair in a black blouse. Teresa Miklos
Administrative Assistant, SGB & Organizations
Headshot of a smiling blonde woman in a black button down and chunky red beaded necklace. Lynne Miller
Associate Director, Leadership Development
Headshot of a smiling brunette woman in a royal blue dress. Gina Mulh
Assistant Director of Leadership Development
Woman in a purple shirt with glasses. Rachel ONeill
Coordinator for New Organization & Development
Woman with blonde hair in a short sleeve black and white floral blouse. Pauline Pascariello
Program Coordinator
Project Manager, Scholarship Programs
Abby Skeel
Office Manager
Kevin Smith
General, The Pitt News
Alexa Spaventa
Graduate Assistant for Programming and Technology
Zachary Sweeny
Facilities and Financial Coordinator
A man with grey hair in a brown pinstripe button down shirt. Greg Weston
General Manager of WPTS Radio

Student Success Initiatives

Headshot of smiling woman in a blue shirt with a black cardigan. Breanne Donohue
Associate Director of Student Success Initiatives
Woman with short dark hair in a black top. Mary Ramsey
Program Coordinator of Student Success Initiatives

Student Unions

Leelin Bowser
Lead Audio Visual Technician
Man with short brown hair in a blue polo shirt. Devin Castro
Assistant Director, Day Operations
Blonde woman with short hair in a black short sleeve top. Taylor Daniels
Assistant Director, Reservation Services
Man with short dark hair in a black tshirt. Caleb Grogan
Lead Audio Visual Technician
Jeremy Lindner
Director of Student Unions
Brunette man smiling in a purple and green striped short sleeve button down shirt. Lennon Miller
Coordinator of Guest Services & Training
Melanie Scanga
Nordy’s and After-Hours Manager
Zachary Sweeny
Facilities and Financial Coordinator
Photo of a man with dark hair and dark facial hair in a black tshirt. Joseph Thiebaud
Lead Audio Visual Technician
Headshot of a smiling man in a patterned white button down shirt. Michael Tulak
Senior Assistant Director for Production and Technology
Headshot of smiling man in a light blue button down shirt. William Westley
Assistant Director, Night Operations