Becoming a registered student organization comes with many rights and privileges, including but not limited to:
- Reserving space on campus
- Receiving allocations
- Printing fliers
- Renting vehicles for club travel
New Organization Registration Periods take place February 1-15, June 1-15, and October 1-15. Please note that there are required orientation sessions that take place during the 2 weeks prior to each registration period. More info on this is posted on the page in step 1.
Steps to Starting an Organization
- Attend a New Student Organization Orientation session
- Read the Registration Guidelines
- Secure a minimum of 10 currently enrolled Pitt students as members
- You need at least a president, a vice president, and a business manager. One person may not hold more than one officer position for an organization
- Secure a full-time faculty or staff member at the University to serve as your advisor. You will need to attach a signed Advisor Acceptance Electronic Signature Form.
- Draft your organization’s constitution and update as necessary following the Constitution Requirements. You can also use the Constitution Template for student organizations if you would like!
Prior to the registration submission period, familiarize yourself with the requirements and start preparing the necessary documents!
Students interested in registering a new organization during a New Organization Registration period MUST have two officers attend any of the orientations to qualify for registration status. They can attend separate orientations, if necessary, multiple times are offered for availability purposes. Information on when and where these sessions can be found on the Events page.
Submit Your Registration
The person who registers the student organization will be designated as the primary contact of the group.
- Sign In to ExperiencePitt with your Pitt username and password.
- On the Home page, find the New Organization Registration link that correlates with your group category: Undergraduate, Graduate, Club Sport, etc.
- This will take you to the form where you will upload your constitution, Advisor Acceptance Form (this form uses the DocuSign System—no need to print it out!), fill out your roster, and answer any other questions pertaining to your new organization. This form will only be active during the designated New Organization Registration periods. Any form submitted after the deadline will be rejected.
- Submit your application and be on the lookout for any comments or feedback from SORC staff.
After Submission
- Your registration application and constitution will go under review by the SORC office. This process takes time, as we review every application and documentation thoroughly.
- If there are any problems with your application or constitution, we will contact you through the ExperiencePitt chat tool that is directly linked to your application.
- You will be given a deadline on when to have all of your modifications completed and we will not be able to continue processing your application until all these edits are made.
- Once approved, the listed officers and advisor will receive a final confirmation email, and your organization will have full access to the benefits of being a registered organization!