Get Involved

In addition to our service opportunities, there are many opportunities for students to engage with PittServes and get involved in their civic community.

Student Civic Engagement Council

The Student Civic Engagement Council’s (SCEC) mission is to enrich student civic engagement opportunities with local Pittsburgh communities and neighborhoods.

Learn more about the Student Civic Engagement Council.

Civic Action Fellows

Civic Action Fellows (CAF) is an immersive, academic year-long community engagement opportunity for undergraduate students through the Office of PittServes and the Office of Engagement and Community Affairs. Civic Action Fellows commit to working with community-based, non-profit organizations to advance community interests through project-based partnerships in either Hazelwood, Homewood, The Hill District or Oakland.

The mission of the program is to build and sustain long-term place-based partnerships between the University and community stakeholders, develop strong partnerships with community organizations, enhance capacity of organizations, inform students on methods to ethically and responsibly engage with the community, and develop student’s professional skill set.

Learn more about the Civic Action Fellows & how to apply.

Signature Days of Service Committee

The Signature Days of Service Committee is the student team that brings you all three signature service days at Pitt: Civic Action Week, MLK Day of Service, and Be a Good Neighbor Day.​ Our committee coordinates opportunities for more than 1500 students to spend each Day of Service serving in various Pittsburgh communities.

Learn more about the Signature Days of Service Committee.

Student Office of Sustainability (SOOS)
The Student Office of Sustainability (WPU 510) is a collaborative and programmatic workspace for students interested in sustainability and environmental justice issues. The SOOS offers meeting and social space, Green Fund grant assistance, and supports more than two dozen affiliated student organizations working sustainability-related initiatives! Learn more about SOOS.

Learn more about sustainable opportunities.

Student Office of Sustainability (SOOS)

We are dedicated to providing, supporting, and enhancing sustainability initiatives across the university. Our Mission: To support the potential of students to creatively revolutionize the way the Pitt community approaches environmental, economic, and social justice, and to inspire conversations about building a sustainable future. 

Learn more about SOOS here.


University of Pittsburgh students serve preschool classrooms in the surrounding Pittsburgh neighborhoods in teams to build on children’s social-emotional and oral language learning. 

Click here to learn more about Jumpstart.

Alternative Breaks

Information for the 2024-2025 Alternative Breaks will be released soon.