Fraternity and Sorority Life

Family Engagement

While at the University of Pittsburgh, your student will encounter many opportunities to become involved outside of their classroom experience. Membership within a fraternity or sorority can be a positive experience that will last a lifetime! It is important that parents, guardians, and/or families be educated about the enriching experiences that your students will find by getting involved and how to get involved themselves. 

What is the difference between social, service, professional, and honors fraternities and sororities? 


  • Social fraternities and sororities are gender-based organizations that take a well-rounded approach to foster social connection, personal and professional growth, and leadership development. The Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life oversees and supports the social fraternities and sororities on campus. 
  • Service fraternities are often (but not always) co-ed and have a fundamental focus on service opportunities within the community.  
  • Professional fraternities often fall within academic programs and focus on networking within a specific field and developing career-based skills. 
  • Honors fraternities focus on academic success, extending membership to students who meet a specific GPA requirement. Many are specific to areas of study, such as liberal arts and sciences, but some are open to students in all areas of study.  
  • If your student is interested in joining a Service, Professional or Honors, Fraternity, please contact the Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) 
What will my student get from a fraternity or sorority that I would not get from another student organization on campus?  

Joining a fraternity or sorority has multiple benefits. As your student transitions to college, membership in fraternities and sororities will help provide connection to people and resources on campus to help you become more successful.  

Through membership, they will be provided many opportunities for personal and professional development through leadership training and opportunities, being an active member of the Pittsburgh and Pitt community, and opportunities to apply what you’ve learned in class to the real world. 

Once your student has graduated, lifelong membership provides them with connections to members no matter where you go, continued personal and professional developmental opportunities for growth, and continued responsibility to be an active citizen of the world.  

Additionally, the fraternity and sorority experience promote the development of well-rounded members through a standards program that encourages excellence in 8 focus areas: academics, campus and community involvement, organizational management, council development, civic engagement, alumni and graduate chapter engagement, health and safety, and membership development. 

Can my student join more than one fraternity or sorority? 

Students are not able to join multiple fraternities/sororities that fall under any of the three governing councils on campus, also known as the “Tri-Council”: Interfraternity Council, Collegiate Panhellenic Council, and National Pan-Hellenic Council.  

However, students can be a member of one tri-council chapter and most service, honors, and professional fraternities and sororities that fall outside the councils.  

I’m worried about managing my student managing their time being a member of a fraternity or sorority. How much does chapter membership take? 


Like other clubs and organizations, the more time you dedicate to membership, the more opportunities and adventures you will experience. The time commitment varies from chapter to chapter. The first semester is generally a weekly meeting when members go through the chapter’s member education program.  

Most chapter new member programs are six to eight weeks; these programs allow the member an opportunity to develop their leadership and time management skills, learn about the history of the organization, develop friendships and become more involved. Each chapter has a weekly chapter meeting and other required events, including initiation, recruitment/intake and philanthropic activities throughout the year. 

New As a family member, how can I support my student?


  • It is important for family members to continue to be a support system for their student. One of the key components for the support is empowering students as they navigate the fraternity and sorority experience. Encourage your student to gather as much information as possible before they make the decision to join a fraternal organization. It is important that you discuss financial obligations and the time commitment before your student enters a recruitment or intake process with a fraternity or sorority. This will be an exciting time of new experiences in your student’s life and your support will be invaluable. 
  • Tips for supporting your student during the recruitment or intake process 
    • Allow your student to make their own decisions 
    • Learn as much as you can about fraternity and sorority life and the membership experience 
    • Keep an open mind  
    • Talk to your student about the financial obligations and membership requirements 
    • If you’re a fraternity/sorority alum, your student may not be interested just because you joined a fraternal organization 
    • Keep the Fraternity and Sorority Life Office contact information available. Please contact us if you have any questions 
    • Once your student joins a chapter, take advantage of Family Weekend activities, and Pitt’s Parent & Family Resources.