The Emergency Insurance Assistance for Appointed Graduate Students offer support to graduate students with academic appointments (GSR, GSA, TA, TF, Certificate Trainees, and Pre-Doctoral Fellows) with a University of Pittsburgh Student Medical Insurance plan who are experiencing a financial hardship related to medical bills after insurance was applied to the expense. Questions can be directed to
The terms include:
- Documentation of the cost of the medical expense listed on a UPMC Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and invoices or receipts showing a date of service beginning September 1, 2024.
- Articulation of the hardship the expense has caused
- Minimum expense: $100.
- Maximum annual reimbursement is equivalent to the University’s Student Health Insurance Plan in-network out-of-pocket maximum for individual or family coverage. Students can apply three times a year (once a semester) and are encouraged to submit multiple claims per application. Enrollment deadlines are listed on each semester’s version of the fund.
- Who are covered individuals?
The Emergency Insurance Assistance for Appointed Graduate Students offer support to graduate students with academic appointments (GSR, GSA, TA, TF, Certificate Trainees, and Pre-Doctoral Fellows) with a University of Pittsburgh Student Medical Insurance plan who are experiencing a financial hardship related to medical bills after insurance was applied to the expense.
- What expenses qualify?
Qualifying expenses include costs incurred for medical services, testing and treatment covered by the UPMC student health insurance beginning 9/1/24
- Are the funds received taxable?
Please direct questions about filing your taxes to your financial or tax advisor.
Required Documentation for the Emergency Insurance Assistance for Appointed Graduate Students Fund
Acceptable documentation includes an invoice or receipt that includes: 1) the student’s name, 2) a clear out-of-pocket expense that is expected to be paid or was paid, 3) date of service and 4) an indication of what service will or has occurred.
- What are examples of documentation that is not acceptable?
Documentation that is not acceptable includes, but is not limited to, a doctor’s note, or a patient visit summary.
- Can I submit multiple documents with my application?
Yes. To do so, combine all documents into one PDF before uploading into the application.
- If my application is denied, can I resubmit with different documentation?
The Care Support Team will work with you to obtain acceptable documentation.
Managing applicant’s sensitive information and protection of privacy
The University is dedicated to the privacy of its students, staff, and faculty. The University handles electronic records and documentation containing personally identifiable information, including personal health information, with the appropriate standard of care and complies with all applicable regulations, which may include the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
- Who is reviewing my information?
The committee includes staff members from the Division of Student Affairs, the Office of the Provost and the Human Resources Benefits Department. All members of the review team have been trained in handling personal health information. All patient/medical information will be redacted before being submitted through the financial systems to issue payment.
- How is my sensitive information being used?
The information submitted in the application will be used for the sole purpose of determining funding and will not be shared beyond the review team. The committee aims to collect as little specific medical information as possible to process the application.
- Will my information be shared with my advisor or program?
No. Access to the systems containing the applications and supporting documents is limited to those necessary to carry out the fund.
- Why does the committee need any medical information at all?
The committee does not ask for detailed medical information; however, it is necessary to understand the services provided to administer potential funding.
- Are the systems being used to process applications secure?
Yes. The systems used to collect, analyze and house the applications and supporting documents are annually vetted by Pitt IT and the Pitt Privacy Office and are determined to be compliant with federal privacy regulations. In the event of a security breach, the University Cyber Incident Response Plan would be activated. If you have questions about privacy, please see the Pitt Privacy Office website or email
Payment for approved applications to the Emergency Insurance Assistance for Appointed Graduate Students fund
Applications are processed as quickly as possible in the order they are received. Determination of any payable amount may be straightforward and fast, but depending on the circumstances, it may be more time-consuming if additional documentation or information is required.
Upon approval of an application, you will receive an email indicating the payable amount, after which the payment will be processed and issued.
- Is there a guaranteed turnaround time for submitted applications?
All applications are handled expeditiously, but each application and expense is unique and must be handled case-by-case so an exact timeframe cannot be determined.
- How will I receive my payment?
The funds will be deposited directly to your bank account. The team will contact you if additional information is needed.
To submit an application for last year’s 2023-24 Medical Hardship Assistance Fund for medical claims incurred through 9/1/23 and 8/31/24, click here. Deadline for submission is 11/30/24.