Nasrin Nahnooch

Hometown: Jersey City, NJ
Academic Year: Junior
Major: Law, Criminal Justice, And Society & Sociology & International Studies

Leadership Roles:

  • Second-Year Resident Assistant -Present
  • ResLife Social Media Ambassador -Present
  • Empower Muslim at Pitt President -Present
  • Middle Eastern North African Student Association Vice President -Present
  • Arabic Club President -Present
  • Women of Color Collective Mentorship Coordinator -Present
  • Fann Club Business Manager 2023-2024
  • Lingovation at Pitt Arabic Chair 2023-2024
  • Resident Student Association Recognition Chair 2022-2023
  • Muslim Student Association Marketing Committee Board Member 2022-2023

Why did you apply to be a Pitt ACC Leadership Symposium delegate?

I applied to be a Pitt ACC Leadership Symposium Delegate because I wanted to learn valuable leadership skills to inform myself and the Pitt community. I aspire to bring back the valuable leadership skills I learned to educate the communities I’m a part of so we can continue progressing. I hope to inspire others in my community and beyond at Pitt to take on Leadership positions and take active roles in their community spaces here at Pitt, as I have been inspired by past leaders.

What do you love most about being a leader at Pitt?

What I love most about being a leader at Pitt is the ability to drive changes in our community. Being the change that I seek has allowed me to realize that Pitt is a diverse community where all of our voices deserve to be heard. You can be anyone you want at Pitt, and it’s driven me to explore different opportunities, clubs, organizations, and even majors.