Peer Support Spaces
Ready to connect with others and build your support network at Pitt? The University Counseling Center is teaming up with campus partners to offer Peer Support Spaces for Pitt students! These monthly gatherings are all about creating new friendships, sharing experiences, and discussing important topics with other students at Pitt who get where you're coming from. Each session has a fresh theme or topic, so there's always something new to dive into!
No need to sign up ahead of time—just show up and join the conversation! If you would like to receive updates and meeting reminders via email, please click here!
Please see below for information on current Peer Support Spaces being offered.
It is important to note that Peer Support Spaces are not mental health treatment or counseling. If you are interested in engaging in mental health counseling at the UCC, please utilize UCC Drop-In Hours by calling 412-648-7930, Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm.