Student Involvement Staff

Select Department

Inaugural Director of Student Involvement
Tara Adamczyk
Business Manager
Headshot of a woman with shoulder-length curly honey-blonde hair in a gray heather bolero and black top. Tina Bollman
Manager of Business Affairs
Woman with long brown hair in a black blouse smiling. Miya Bound
Program Coordinator, Advising & Growth
Paul Carroll
Radio Engineer
Kate Chodkowska Gebru
Account Specialist
Woman with long brown hair in a teal tshirt with a pendant necklace. Moureen Chowdhury
Administrative Manager, Programs & Production
Photo of a man smiling in front of a grey background. David Day
Associate Director, Student Organizations & Advising
Assistant Director of PITT ARTS
Headshot of a smiling brunette woman in a dark red blouse and necklace. Amber Greenbaum
Assistant Director, Special Events & Initiatives
Ellie Hardman
Account Specialist, Student Organization Resource Center
Blonde woman smiling in front of a gray background in a black top. Lauren Hedderman
Assistant Director, ExperiencePitt
Woman with brown hair in a brown sweater smiling. Gloria King
Office Manager, Student Org Resource Center
Headshot of a man in a charcoal and blue Pitt branded polo shirt. Dylan Kovac
Manager of Departmental Operations
Hallie Lauer
Editorial Advisor
Woman with short dark hair in a black blouse. Teresa Miklos
Administrative Assistant, SGB & Organizations
Headshot of a smiling blonde woman in a black button down and chunky red beaded necklace. Lynne Miller
Associate Director, Leadership Development
Headshot of a smiling brunette woman in a royal blue dress. Gina Mulh
Assistant Director of Leadership Development
Woman in a purple shirt with glasses. Rachel ONeill
Coordinator for New Organization & Development
Woman with blonde hair in a short sleeve black and white floral blouse. Pauline Pascariello
Program Coordinator
Project Manager, Scholarship Programs
Abby Skeel
Office Manager
Kevin Smith
General, The Pitt News
Alexa Spaventa
Graduate Assistant for Programming and Technology
Zachary Sweeny
Facilities and Financial Coordinator
A man with grey hair in a brown pinstripe button down shirt. Greg Weston
General Manager of WPTS Radio